Guí de misiones para ganar 200M/h

Foro dedicado al simulador espacial Elite Dangerous


Comandante en Jefe
Comandante en Jefe
Mensajes: 20944
Registrado: 31 Ago 2000 02:00

Guí de misiones para ganar 200M/h

Una guía en el idioma giristaní sacada de reddit. No la he probado pero tiene forma de ser posible. ... _per_hour/

First of all I want to apologize for my very bad English.
Week ago, after ObsidianAnt published video “Quince - The Multi-Million Credit Opportunity” one post took my attention. In that post, certain John Adams said:
"I've made 4.5 billion these past 2 weeks, not through Quince but by finding a military base that pays me stupid amounts to kill the neighbouring systems pirate crew, you can still stack em 20 high and when you're offered 10 million for just 48 victims, it soon adds up !."

So, after seening that, I started looking around and after many LYs and trials in different systems I found pattern. Now, I will try to explane how to search for this sort of missions and earn huge amount of credits while having fun in High/HazRes or Compromised Nav Beacons shoting down pirates. This is my contribution to the community.

First thing you need to do is to open 3 tabs of

In the first one (Systems), you'll need to set filters:
- Only Populated Systems: Yes
- Allegiance : (If you need rank for certen faction, choose one)
- Primary Economy : Military
- Station Filter : Having planetary
- Reference System : (you can take any, start from the system you are in atm)
Here on this page of you will search for systems with planetary military bases on which you will take missions to kill xy amount of pirates.

Now, on the second tab/page of you will be checking systems from the results from the first page (you can do it by right mouse click on it in the first tab/page and "open link in new tab"). One by one. What you need is as many minor factions as posible. And the second thing is, if it's posible, all to be in state None because when some of them are in state of Boom, Civil War, War... you will be getting less or none of the pirate missions.

Third tab/page is the one where you will be looking for nearby systems. So and filters:
- Only Populated Systems : Yes
- Reference System : (The one from the second tab/page)
You need only one system in results that is under 10ly distance. Check it and see if there is minor faction which is Anarchy. Also take a look if system is with Security:Low (if yes, better chance to have Compromised Nav Beacon, which for me is much better and faster then Resource Extraction Sites). If yes, you are on track. Now, you will need to check ingame if this system have planets with rings, because then there is a chance for High/Hazardous resource extraction sites.
This nearby system you will have to check ingame by going there and see it yourself for all of this mentioned above. Also, if you find RES or CompNavBeacon, drop there and scan for wanted ships. Scan 5-6 of them and see from which minor faction they coming from, because you will take missions from Military Planetary base only for pirates from this faction. And you will stack up to 20 of this mission type.
Once you become ally with minor factions, you will be looking for high pay missions which can go up to 12M credits for killing 48 pirate ships.

Now, you see, if you find a good spot, with many minor factions (6-7-8...) in system with Military planetary base in state None, and only one nearby system within 10LY with only few minor factions (2-3) of which is one Anarchy, you can very quickly stack 20 missions of 8-12M each for killing 48 pirates.

Thats all, Im hoping that I managed to explain this right. Also, if you are hard core player doing this all day long, or there is many of you guys doing this in one system, that system will soon change state, also minor factions will change state and you will have to go and search for the new one.

Comandante en Jefe de la 24 Flotilla
¡Larga vida a la 24!
